UMNO = U Must Not Object
On the bumiputera equity in Malaysia
Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said that the government's 18.9% bumiputera equity data is correct. "You cannot question it. Do not question our social contract", the Deputy UMNO President said. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the statement by Mahathir's son Mukhriz that there's nothing new in Abdullah's UMNO AGM speech
UMNO President and Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi invited UMNO Youth Chief Hishamuddin Tun Hussein for a dinner. Hishamuddin was scolded by Abdullah because UMNO Youth did not reprimand Mukhriz for his statement. Ironically, UMNO Wanita Chief Rafidah Aziz had said that "the President needs to repeat the same message for a few times because some of the delegates have never attended the UMNO assembly before". Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the merger of Sime Darby, Golden Hope and Guthrie Group
Deputy UMNO President Najib Tun Razak has said "the merger of the 3 companies under Synergy Drive is PNB's initiative, we support the move decided by the trustees of PNB, of which I am one of the members. This is the position that we have taken".
However, Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) in a statement has said, "PNB has yet to see a proposal to merge three of its plantations companies. Synergy Drive is not our company". At the same time, former PNB CEO Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has said, "it is very weird if PNB does not know upfront about the merger of its plantation companies". Next merger: Utusan Malaysia and NSTP. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the taking over of Southern Bank to become CIMB Group
Southern Bank Berhad (SBB) was originally a Chinese-based bank headed by Datuk Tan Teong Hean. Southern Bank then admitted some friendly bumiputera shareholders including the Sultan of Selangor. Subsequently, these bumiputera partners decided to sell out SBB shares to CIMB, a bumiputera banking group.
Datuk Tan and SBB major shareholders were very furious and resisted the hostile takeover by Nazir Razak (brother of Deputy UMNO President Najib Tun Razak) of CIMB and made attempts to rebuff the takeover. He even went to see the Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi but to no avail. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the illegal mansion belonging to the Klang UMNO Chief Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros
Selangor UMNO chief and Menteri Besar Khir bin Toyo was asked on whether Zakaria's illegal mansion in Klang will be demolished. His reply was, "from tomorrow onwards, we will demolish all illegal temples in the state. I have received many phone calls on illegal Chinese and Indian temples. We should demolish all illegal structures in Selangor. You guys better watch out".
With the right connection in place, even the most punishable of offences are pardoned. Both Selangor councillor Zakaria Mohd Deros and Klang municipal councillor Mazlynoor Abdul Latiff conveniently took matters into their own hand when they decided to flaunt their wealth through the construction of their respective mansions. As the representative of the people, it is baffling how both these men have amassed so much wealth. And Mazlynoor Abdul Latiff was re-appointed as the Klang municipal councillor again. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the sacking of Umno member Zaharin Yasin
The Umno Supreme Council led by Umno President and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi met to discuss on the fate of Umno member Zaharin Yasin, who is alleged to have breached party rules and discipline by criticising Abdullah in the Sang Kelambai blog that he owned. Earlier, the Umno Disciplinary Board had met and decided that his 'crime' is not serious enough to warrant sacking. This was the Disciplinary Board’s decision that was brought to the Supreme Council.
But before the Deputy President Najib Tun Razak could even finish reading out the Board’s report, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi interrupted him and proposed that Zaharin be sacked from the party. The credibility and independence of Umno’s Disciplinary Board is over. The party president can now just brush aside and ignore its decisions. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the listing of Tabung Haji's TH Plantations
The depositors at Tabung Haji rejected a proposal to list TH Plantations at the KL stock exchange. This issue was brought up at both Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara in the Parliament. It was debated and members of the Parliament rejected the listing of the company in Bursa Malaysia. But Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (who has been saying "I will listen to the people") decided on himself to proceed with the listing of TH Plantations. Yet another proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.

Abdullah's "work with me, not work for me" is "you must not object"
Corruption, high crime rate, lackadaisical local government councils, failing education system, a sycophantic judiciary, a gagged press, MPs un-educated in the process of parliament, lack of accountability, dropping off the radar screens of global investors, absence of good accounting practices, lower foreign direct investments (FDI), being ranked among the world's flawed democracies ... but U Must Not Object.
Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said that the government's 18.9% bumiputera equity data is correct. "You cannot question it. Do not question our social contract", the Deputy UMNO President said. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the statement by Mahathir's son Mukhriz that there's nothing new in Abdullah's UMNO AGM speech
UMNO President and Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi invited UMNO Youth Chief Hishamuddin Tun Hussein for a dinner. Hishamuddin was scolded by Abdullah because UMNO Youth did not reprimand Mukhriz for his statement. Ironically, UMNO Wanita Chief Rafidah Aziz had said that "the President needs to repeat the same message for a few times because some of the delegates have never attended the UMNO assembly before". Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the merger of Sime Darby, Golden Hope and Guthrie Group
Deputy UMNO President Najib Tun Razak has said "the merger of the 3 companies under Synergy Drive is PNB's initiative, we support the move decided by the trustees of PNB, of which I am one of the members. This is the position that we have taken".
However, Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) in a statement has said, "PNB has yet to see a proposal to merge three of its plantations companies. Synergy Drive is not our company". At the same time, former PNB CEO Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has said, "it is very weird if PNB does not know upfront about the merger of its plantation companies". Next merger: Utusan Malaysia and NSTP. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the taking over of Southern Bank to become CIMB Group
Southern Bank Berhad (SBB) was originally a Chinese-based bank headed by Datuk Tan Teong Hean. Southern Bank then admitted some friendly bumiputera shareholders including the Sultan of Selangor. Subsequently, these bumiputera partners decided to sell out SBB shares to CIMB, a bumiputera banking group.
Datuk Tan and SBB major shareholders were very furious and resisted the hostile takeover by Nazir Razak (brother of Deputy UMNO President Najib Tun Razak) of CIMB and made attempts to rebuff the takeover. He even went to see the Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi but to no avail. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the illegal mansion belonging to the Klang UMNO Chief Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros
Selangor UMNO chief and Menteri Besar Khir bin Toyo was asked on whether Zakaria's illegal mansion in Klang will be demolished. His reply was, "from tomorrow onwards, we will demolish all illegal temples in the state. I have received many phone calls on illegal Chinese and Indian temples. We should demolish all illegal structures in Selangor. You guys better watch out".
With the right connection in place, even the most punishable of offences are pardoned. Both Selangor councillor Zakaria Mohd Deros and Klang municipal councillor Mazlynoor Abdul Latiff conveniently took matters into their own hand when they decided to flaunt their wealth through the construction of their respective mansions. As the representative of the people, it is baffling how both these men have amassed so much wealth. And Mazlynoor Abdul Latiff was re-appointed as the Klang municipal councillor again. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the sacking of Umno member Zaharin Yasin
The Umno Supreme Council led by Umno President and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi met to discuss on the fate of Umno member Zaharin Yasin, who is alleged to have breached party rules and discipline by criticising Abdullah in the Sang Kelambai blog that he owned. Earlier, the Umno Disciplinary Board had met and decided that his 'crime' is not serious enough to warrant sacking. This was the Disciplinary Board’s decision that was brought to the Supreme Council.
But before the Deputy President Najib Tun Razak could even finish reading out the Board’s report, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi interrupted him and proposed that Zaharin be sacked from the party. The credibility and independence of Umno’s Disciplinary Board is over. The party president can now just brush aside and ignore its decisions. Proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.
On the listing of Tabung Haji's TH Plantations
The depositors at Tabung Haji rejected a proposal to list TH Plantations at the KL stock exchange. This issue was brought up at both Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara in the Parliament. It was debated and members of the Parliament rejected the listing of the company in Bursa Malaysia. But Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (who has been saying "I will listen to the people") decided on himself to proceed with the listing of TH Plantations. Yet another proof of UMNO = U Must Not Object.

Abdullah's "work with me, not work for me" is "you must not object"
Corruption, high crime rate, lackadaisical local government councils, failing education system, a sycophantic judiciary, a gagged press, MPs un-educated in the process of parliament, lack of accountability, dropping off the radar screens of global investors, absence of good accounting practices, lower foreign direct investments (FDI), being ranked among the world's flawed democracies ... but U Must Not Object.
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