Bumiputera Malaysia

Bumiputera Malaysia

By a Malaysian for his country

Saturday, October 21, 2006

"Most developed" Menteri Besar

- If you wish to meet him, you will need to meet his Special Officer, Selamat Dollah. After waiting for hours in vain, you will go home empty-handed as the Menteri Besar is already out "bermesra dengan rakyatnya yang lain".
- In an interview with Utusan Malaysia, he admitted that 2/3 of his works are related to land development and project approvals. An UMNO veteran advised him "Setiausaha Politik engkau, Dr Karim selama ini buat berkaitan permohonan tanah. Jangan terlalu golojoh sangat mahu mengaut segala kekayaan daripada tanah-tanah yang diluluskan".
- He approved 6 land development projects to 6 different companies, where all 6 companies has the same director.
- His family's vacation (inclusive of his aides) in Australia are fully funded by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS).
- He approved the "Jalan Cross Ban 4, Sungai Panjang" road construction project valued at RM92.5 million. The contract was given to a company (Meram Holding Sdn Bhd.) that has been blacklisted by the Public Works Department (JKR). JKR also estimated that the costs for the project should be around RM20 million only.
- After becoming the Menteri Besar for 3 months, he managed to settle his BBMB loan for his semi-detached house. The house is valued at RM150,000. How did he get those money?
- He rejected the tabling of the "Enakmen Pengisytiharan Harta Milikan Wakil Rakyat Negeri Selangor" which requires all Yang Berhormats in Selangor to declare their assets.
- The son of a district officer, whose aged is 20 years old, is allowed to buy 50 acres of land.
- He suggested the ban of the sale on condoms, which are sold openly in convenience stores and supermarkets.
- He said that there's nothing wrong for 3 family members become the councillors in Klang.